President's Trump's Accomplishments Thus Far



·         Since Trump declared “the war on coal is over”, Corsa Coal Corporation in PA is opening a second coal mine since President Trump took office.


·         This is the first coal mine to open since President Trump took office.


·         Renovations on a second mine stopped, five years ago, will start next month with a projected reopening in early 2018.


·         Trump reversed decades long decline in coal mining the central tenet of his environmental policy.  He blamed federal regulations curbed at global warming emissions for job losses in the industry.


·         President Trump is encouraging more coal mining on lands owned by the federal government.


·         President Trump will continue Keystone & Dakota Energy pipelines.


·         U.S. is selling energy to Poland.




·         CEO George Dethlefsen told Fox News that Trump’s efforts to deregulate the U.S. economy will generate a “very strong market” for steel.


·         Dethlefsen said that Trump’s administration is planning to repair the infrastructure and tax code to help the economy.


·         Daily Caller reports regulations have plunged under President Trump in the first seven months.


·         In 2017 the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs has processed some 67 regulatory actions, ranging from notices to final rules.  During the first six months of former President Obama’s first term, the department did three times as many, processing 216 regulatory actions.


·         New regulations spiked even more under President Bush and Bill Clinton.  There were 310 under Bush and 993 under Clinton.





·         Since taking office Trump signed more executive orders rolling back Dodd-Frank.


·         Slashed regulations imposed on American small businesses.


·         Promises to end all unnecessary regulations on the energy industry.


·         President Trump has moved to increase the efficiency and productivity of the federal government by cutting unnecessary and burdensome rules the agencies are required to follow.  White House Office of Management and Budget Directory, Mick Mulvaney, announced a memo that rescinds or modifies many of the requirements.


·         Business owners and investors are meeting these deregulations with optimism.  This is part of a broad and sustained trend that has gone largely unremarked.


·         National Federation of Independent Business found a heightened demand for new labor and investment.


·         The National Association of Manufacturers reports for the first three quarters 90.9% of manufacturers are positive about the outlook of their companies.  This is the highest three quarter reading in the survey’s 20 year history.


·         Gallup’s investor optimism index hit a 17 year high in September.  Gallup’s weekly economic confidence index has been positive since November 2016.  It previously was negative for all but a handful of weeks since 2008.


·         The Conference Board’s Consumer Confidence Index dipped in September 2016 to 119.8,


·         University of Michigan Index of Consumer Sentiment has averaged 96.2 so far this year comparing that with 91.4 over the same time period in 2016.  You need to go back to 2004 to find another nine month stretch where the index was in the mid to high 90’s.


·         The Small Business Optimism Index averaged 104.9 through August.  That is up 12% from the before.

·         In September the IBD/TIPP Economic Optimism Index marked its 12 straight month in positive territory.  This is the first time in 12 years.  The index is at 53.4 in September and 48.6 in 2016.  Anything below 50 is pessimistic.


·         The stock market has been at historic highs. The Dow Jones is up 14% for the year and 24.5% compared with a year ago.


·         It is important to note that all these indexes skyrocketed after November 2016.


·         President Trump’s assault on red tape has saved businesses nearly $4 billion per year compared with President Obama’s pace of imposing regulations.


·         Federal debt is reduced by $100 billion.


·         Working to reduce food stamp dependency by putting people back to work.




·         There are nearly five times as many counter terror Ops zones as Obama administration by nearly five times.


·         The U.S. has launched at least 100 counter-terrorism operations.  Only 21 were lunched under President Obama.  This includes raids, drone strikes and other lethal actions.


·         Raqqa is now back in U.S. forces.


·         President Trump ended “Catch and Release” immigration policy.


·         Illegal immigration arrests up 38%.


·         Reduced illegal border crossings by 73%.


·         Border security is increased.


·         ICE makes over 41,000 arrests in 100 days.


·         Kate’s Law increased penalties for previously deported criminals.


·         Punishing sanctuary cities.


·         Eliminated DACA and sent back to Congress to legislate.


·         Travel ban was put in place.


·         Construction of wall in prototype.


·         $100 million to help Flint, MI fix the water problems.


·         Sending Federal help to Chicago crime epidemic.




·         Since President Trump took office Investor’s Daily noted that border crossings have plummeted.


·         President Trump has been busy filling lower court positions with conservative justices.


·         President Trump pulled out of the Paris climate change deal.


·         President Trump is killing 16 regulations for everyone his administration has enacted.  This beats their own goal of eliminating two regulations for every one imposed.


·         Newsweek claims that President Trump is a “lazy boy”.  He only sleeps 4 - 5 hours a night and works all day and most weekends.


·         Newsweek calls him “The Boy King”.  Newsweek asked if he still wanted to be President and he doesn’t like hard work.  President Trump’s accomplishments are staggering.


·         Appointed an Honorable Supreme Court Justice.


·         Withdrew from the corrupt TPP Agreement.


·         Ending tax payer funded abortions.


·         Protecting religious liberties for all Americans.


·         Re-established National Space Council.




·         A record surge in job openings indicates a demand for workers and remained strong in the second quarter.  This was reported by the Labor Department.


·         The gain in job openings shows a need for workers in an economy that is expanding.


·         The pool of qualified Americans is shrinking and making positions tougher to fill.  This is an indicator of a strong growing economy.


·         In July payrolls increased more than forecasted and the unemployment rate matched a 16 year low.


·         There are 1.1 unemployed people vying for every opening in June down from 1.9 when the recession began in 2007.


·         Many industries showed increases in openings including record postings for health care and social assistance.  Gains were also seen with professional and business services.


·         In the 12 months through June 2.3 million jobs were created


·         The U.S. economy generated 209,000 jobs.   This is stronger than analyst expectations and above the average job gains so far this year.




·         People who are penalized for not having insurance make less than $50,000 which equates to 79%.


·         The majority of households paying the penalty in 2015 were low and middle class income households according to data from the IRS.


·         There were 6,665,480 households who paid the penalty rather than sign up for Obamacare.  They paid a total of $3,079,255.00.


·         79% who paid the penalty made less than $50,000.00.  92% who paid the penalty earned less than $75,000.00.


·         Penalties increased every year since the ACA was implemented. 


·         Joe Antos, a scholar at American Enterprise Institute, stated low and middle income households are the least likely to have insurance and least likely to know how to avoid paying the penalty.




·         United States has lower ground reducing emission levels than Canada even after leaving the Paris agreement.


·         Angel Gurria, secretary general of the Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD) stated U.S. is pummeling Canada even though Canada has made fuel emissions a top priority.


·         Canada has a strong political will to reduce emissions and it should have fallen 17% from 2005 levels.  Canada emissions only dropped 2%.


·         Trump leaving the Paris accord has not resulted in an increase in the U.S. greenhouse gas emissions.


·         It is a fact that emissions continue to fall appreciably in the U.S.


·         U.S, carbon emissions have fallen roughly 12% since 2005.



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